Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour in Indofood Products during Covid-19 Pandemic

Oh Zi Jian, Siti Nur Madhiah Binti Ahmad, Liem Gai Sin, Chan Weng Hoo, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Jeremy Tou Jia Hao, Leong Kar Chun, Lim Xin Wee, Decesta Kelcya Valentine, Mohamad Fikri Bin Azhar, Norazwa Binti Abdullah, Jeevendra A/L Rajendran


The research aims to determine factors influencing consumer behaviour at PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data processed by analysing the psychological factors, social factors, cultural factors, personal factors and economic factors. A questionnaire survey was employed to collect the data. The questionnaire was distributed to 129 respondents via online platform. Secondary data research methods such as previous journals and reports from used to obtain relevant information in this research. The result showed that psychological factors are considered as factors that influence consumer behaviour in Indofood’s products during COVID-19 pandemic.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32535/ijthap.v4i2.1057


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Copyright (c) 2021 Oh Zi Jian, Siti Nur Madhiah Binti Ahmad, Liem Gai Sin, Chan Weng Hoo, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Jeremy Tou Jia Hao, Leong Kar Chun, Lim Xin Wee, Decesta Kelcya Valentine, Mohamad Fikri Bin Azhar, Norazwa Binti Abdullah, Jeevendra A/L Rajendran

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