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Valentine, Decesta Kelcya, Ma Chung University (Indonesia)
Varghese, Sneha
Varghese, Suvin, ABES Engineering College (Indonesia)
Vashishth, Kajal, ABES Engineering College
Vayapuri, Vanishaa A/P, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia)
Veeraselvam, Vinosha Rai A/P, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia)
Verma, Priyanka, ABES Engineering College (India)
Verma, Sahil, ABES Engineering College4 (India)
Via, Seviana
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Published by:
AIBPM Publisher
Editorial Office:
JL. Kahuripan No. 9 Hotel Sahid Montana, Malang, Indonesia
Phone: +62 341 366222
Supported by: Association of International Business & Professional Management
If you are interested to get the journal subscription you can contact us at admin@aibpm.org.
ISSN 2685-8800 (Print)
ISSN 2654-7945 (Online)
DOI:Prefix 10.32535 by CrossREF
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